Ramana Maharshi’s “Who am I?” with comments and notes for practice by Richard Clarke.


The South Indian sage Ramana Maharshi is renowned for his teachings on Self-inquiry, the direct path to Self-realization. Ramana attained enlightenment, transcending ego-consciousness, at the age of 16.

The book Who am I? is a collection of the earliest teachings of Ramana Maharshi. In silence, he answered questions by writing in the dirt. These early teachings express Ramana’s mature knowledge of Advaita Vedanta at the young age of 21. This version of the text is the only one that was edited and revised by Ramana Maharshi himself.

Richard Clarke has practiced with this text for more than 30 years and his comments help open your experience. There are inquiries along with the text to bring you to direct knowledge.

It is available on Amazon, free with Kindle direct. https://www.amazon.com/Who-Comments-Maharshis-comments-Commentaries-ebook/dp/B0CY68PYB2/ref=sr_1_1

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